Advertise your current exhibitions here

Advertise your exhibition in the Galeriemonitor on The service helps you to advertise exhibitions where you can either

  • the artist,
  • the print service provider or
  • are the gallery owner. If you belong to one of these three groups, you can register via a special log-in and benefit from the new service - free of charge. By the way: With 400 visitors a day, we have a pleasingly large circle of users on

If you would like to register for the exhibition monitor, please set up your own account with your user name and password, with which you can put your exhibition online. This account is not for registration in the forum, that's why we have placed the arrow. There you can go to Forum.

17/06/2011 bis 17/08/2011

"think pink ... or black"

"think pink ... or black"

Fotoarbeiten von Christoph Ehleben, Alexander Pernhorst, Toto und Laura Zalenga.

Theaterstr. 14 - an der Galerie Luise, Hannover

17/05/2011 bis 21/06/2011

Michel Comte: Light+Structure


Michel Comte

Flo Peters Gallery, Chilehaus C, Hamburg

14/04/2011 bis 11/06/2011

Ikarus und die 384.400 Kilometer

SEBASTIAN DIERKSMEIER "Warum hast Du mich belogen"

Photographie . Audioslideshow . Katalog

BILDFLÄCHE . Hubert P. Klotzeck . Galerie, Eichstätt, Bahnhofplatz 20

06/05/2011 bis 04/06/2011

Farben der Erinnerung von Erdal Buldun

Farben der Erinnerung

Fotografien von Erdal Buldun

Aldringenstraße 13, München

01/04/2011 bis 06/05/2011

CAMERA WORK präsentiert Russel James

Bilder von den schönsten Frauen der Welt

Photogalerie CAMERA WORK GMBH, Berlin

30/11/2010 bis 30/01/2011

Bilder aus Ostafrika

Menschen – Landschaften – Tiere

Freizeitheim Döhren, An der Wollebahn 1, 30519 Hannover , Hannover

01/01/1970 bis 01/01/1970

05.03., 19 Uhr: Artist Talk “Indigenous Contemporary” mit Nici Cumpston und John Mawurndjul

05.03., 19 Uhr: Artist Talk “Indigenous Contemporary” mit Nici Cumpston und John Mawurndjul

me Collectors Room, Auguststr. 68

01/01/1970 bis 01/01/1970

Anatomisches Lehrmodell einer schwangeren Frau, Stephan Zick Nürnberg um 1680; © Kunstkammer Georg Laue, München

Permanent: Wunderkammer Olbricht

me Collectors Room Berlin, Berlin